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Rica Kitabı - Rica Kitapları

Rica konu başlığında toplam 147 kitap bulunuyor.
Aşağıdaki Rica kitaplar "alfabetik" sıraya göre listelenmektedir.


Bu kitap yurdışından getirtilebildiği için temin süresi 15-30 gündür. Ön Sipariş Verebilirsiniz.

Can art be fashioned out of glass, or do the utilitarian associations embedded within the medium preclude it from being considered an acceptable form? This volume explores both the early history if the studio glass movement and the clash of ambitions and power that marked the relationship..»»

James Ellroy

İthaki Yayınları

"Amerika Asla Masum Olmadı" James Ellroyun 1995 Time Yılın Romanı Ödülünü alan kült kitabı "American Tabloid" nihayet Türkçede! Kennedy nasıl başkan oldu, kimler tarafından, niçin öldürüldü? Derin devletin kirli çamaşırları sayfaları dolduruyor. ABD tarihinin en önemli dönemlerinden birini masaya yatıran Ellroy, hardcore üslubuyla okurları büyüleyecek. »»
Hattie Ellis Debi Treloar

National Geographic

The dramatic aerial photography of environmentalist Robert Haas makes this oversized album an immersive portrait of Latin America, capturing the majesty of the Amazon, the fickleness of rare wildlife in Patagonia, and the surprising topography of untouched lands across 14 countries. The aerial perspective offers a generous view of the land below and the environmental impact of man, while the size ..»»
Grant Allen

Gece Akademi

“...My name is Seymour Wilbraham Wentworth. I am brotherin- law and secretary to Sir Charles Vandrift, the South African millionaire and famous financier. Many years ago, when Charlie Vandrift was a small lawyer in Cape Town, I had the (qualified) good fortune to marry his sister. Much later, when the Vandrift estate and farm near Kimberley developed by degrees into the Cloetedorp Golcondas, Limit..»»
Zane Grey

Platanus Publishing

“Peter and I had the same reactions to fishing, except in extraordinary cases. I sustained an old familiar tingling as I settled down into the fishing-chair, rested the rod on the gunwale, took the line in my hand, and set my eyes upon the bait. It was a mullet and small. Now mullet are indeed tidbits for all kinds of big sea fish, but they do not troll well. It is impossible to watch a bait all t..»»
Rıfat N. Bali

Libra Yayınları

This volume attempts to provide an overview of the Turkish press from 1925 to 1962. The information provided is based on reports by the different American diplomats stationed in the American Embassy in Ankara and in the Consulates of Istanbul, Izmir and Adana. As such, the reports themselves cover a wide spectrum of subjects, from detailed reports on circulation figures to the ideolog..»»
Rıfat N. Bali


The present volume is a collection of selected documents from the American National Archives concerning the anti-Greek riots which occurred on September 6-7, 1955 in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. The events were a terrible blow both to the Greeks living in Turkey and to the economy and prestige of Turkey. Schools, shops, cemeteries belonging to Greeks both in Istanbul and Izmir were looted and devas..»»
Hakan Yılmaz Çebi

Pegasus Yayınları

2500 yıllık çözülemeyen gizli sırlar  'İki taraf arasında örtü açığa çıkar, tepeler üstünde Allaha yakın kimseler onların hepsini simalarından bilirler, onlar cennetliklerdir, birbirlerine 'selamünaleyküm' derler (henüz cennete) dâhil olmamışlardır, beklerler.' (ARAF- 46) beklenen altın çağın emanetleri Arf; sırt, tepe demektir... Bilinen Kuran tefsirlerinde kıyamet sonrası cennet veya cehenneme g..»»
M. Joyce

Mitos Boyut Yayınları

Yayınevinin Amerikan Oyunları adı ile başlattığı dizinin ilk kitabında oyunun hem türkçesi hem de ingilizcesi yer alıyor.  »»
Hüseyin Demirel,Bilgehan Erkal

Birsen Yayınevi

The chapters of the Basic Electrical and Electronics book covers the subjects of basic electrical concepts, solution of direct current electrical circuits, passive electrical components, active semiconductor electronic components, alternating current and voltages, basic electrical measurement instruments, practical electronic circuit applications and safety in electrical and electronic circuits. A..»»
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