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Dere Kitabı - Dere Kitapları

Dere konu başlığında toplam 402 kitap bulunuyor.
Aşağıdaki Dere kitaplar "alfabetik" sıraya göre listelenmektedir.
Jacob GrimmWilhelm Grimm

Gugukkuşu Yayınları

The wife of a rich man fell sick. She called her daughter and said, ***Dear child, be good and pious. The good God will always protect you.*** After that she closed her eyes and died. Every day the maiden went out to her mother's grave, and wept. She remained pious and good. When winter came, the snow spread a white sheet over the grave. When the spring sun had drawn it off again, ..»»
Mehmet Hengirmen

Engin Yayınevi

İngilizce okuma kitapları çocukların ingilizce bilgisine göre temel, orta, yüksek olmak üzere dört değişik seviyeye göre hazırlanmıştır. Her kitapların ses CD'leri vardır. Böylece çocuklar İngilizceyi öğrenirken en doğru telaffuzuyla öğrenebileceklerdir. (Tanıtım Bülteninden) »»
Grimm Brothers

Sis Yayıncılık

Welcome to the Magic Fairy Tales Collection! With this enchanting collection of fairy tales your kids can enjoy reading. And the beginners of English can also discover a magical world of fairy tales. You can find Cinderella fairy tale in this book. »»
Wilhelm Grimm

Gugukkuşu Yayınları

The wife of a rich man fell sick. She called her daughter and said, "Dear child, be good and pious. The good God will always protect you." After that she closed her eyes and died. Every day the maiden went out to her mother's grave, and wept. She remained pious and good. When winter came, the snow spread a white sheet over the grave. When the spring sun had drawn it off again, the man had taken ..»»

Kapadokya Kitabevi

Omce upon a time, a windower had a daughter who was wonderfully kind and good. He married a second wife who was proud, and very selfish. She had two daudhters, and they were as mean as their mother. The wedding over, the second wife no longer prentended to be pleasant. She knew well that the sweetness of her husband's child made her own daughters seem even more unpleasant. So she hated the girl..»»
Charles Perrault

Sis Yayıncılık

Welcome to the Magic Fairy Tales Collection! With this enchanting collection of fairy tales your kids can enjoy reading. And the beginners of English can also discover a magical World of fairy tales. You can find Cinderalla fairy tale in this book.»»
Charles Perrault

Selin Yayınları

Welcome to the Magic Fairy Tales Collection!With this enchanting collection of fairy tales your kids can enjoy reading. And the beginners of English can also discover a magical world of fairy tales. You can find Cinderella fairy tale in this book.»»

Engin Yayınevi

Cinderella (CD'li) Sinderella Engin Yayınevi»»

D Publıshıng

D-Publishing'in sunduğu “Key Words” serisi, İngilizce bilgileri başlangıç seviyesinde olan çocuklara harika hikâyeler eşliğinde kelime bilgilerini geliştirme fırsatını veriyor. İki seviye ve her iki seviyede dört kitap olarak hazırlanan bu seri ile kelimeleri resimlerle eşleştirecek ve hikâyeyi heyecanla okurken bu kelimeleri kolayca öğreneceksiniz. Kitabın sonundaki hikâye ile ilgili aktivite ..»»
Grimm Brothers

Dorlion Yayınevi

The only pleasure the poor child had was to spend her evenings sitting in the chimney-corner, resting her weary limbs, and for this reason her sisters mockingly nicknamed her ´Cinderella´. The sisters´ fine clothes made Cinderella feel very shabby; but, in her little torn frock and ragged shoes, she was a thousand times more lovely than they.»»
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