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Cur Kitabı - Cur Kitapları

Cur konu başlığında toplam 134 kitap bulunuyor.
Aşağıdaki Cur kitaplar "alfabetik" sıraya göre listelenmektedir.
Ömer Seyfettin

İnkılap Kitabevi

Joyce Hannam


For thousand of years the dead body of the young king Tutankhamun slept under the sands of Egypt. Then, in the autumn of 1922, Howard Carter and his friends find and open his tomb door. These are exciting times, and Carter's young helper Tariq tells the story in his diary. But soon people begin to die. Who or what is the killer? Is Tutankhamun angry with them for opening his tomb? And who is th..»»
Nicholas Lovell


In The Curve, Nicholas Lovell offers us a new way of doing business and of seeing the world. For most of the last century, companies strived to sell more and more products at uniform prices. But the future of business is about variation: tailoring products for customers of all stripes, and letting your biggest fans spend as much as they like on things they value. The Curve shows us not to be..»»
Coşkun Taştan

and Discursive Analysis - Coşkun Taştan - %33 indirimli : Kitap |*vbcrlf**vbcrlf*
A Political, Sociological, and Discursive Analysis There have been many things written and discussed about the protests that started at the Gezi Park and shortly spread around the country with the high range of participants. Different segments of the society have made different interpretations about what these demonstrations ***mean*** exactly, who were the protestors, what kind of social, eco..»»
Hatem Ete

Seta Yayınları

A Political, Sociological, and Discursive Analysis There have been many things written and discussed about the protests that started at the Gezi Park and shortly spread around the country with the high range of participants. Different segments of the society have made different interpretations about what these demonstrations "mean" exactly, who were the protestors, what kind o..»»
Charles Dickens

Kaknüs Yayınları

“Nell Trent is brilliant. She might be physically small and weak, but her character is very strong.” Archie, 13 ‘Why bless you, Little Nell! What if I had lost you?’ Little Nell Trent’s childhood is over. Her grandfather’s mind is failing, his dark secret makes him sad and distracted, and he has nobody to care for him but Nell. The grotesque Daniel Quilp is out to ca..»»
Charles Dickens

Platanus Publishing

“I have fallen insensibly into this habit, both because it favours my infirmity and because it ffaffords me greater opportunity of speculating on the characters and occupations of those who fill the Thstreets. The glare and hurry of broad noon are not adapted to idle pursuits like mine; a glimpse of passing faces caught by the light of a street-lamp or a shop ftwindow is often better for my purpos..»»

Matbuat Yayın Grubu

Boğazın dibinden iki akıntı geçer. İlki yüzeye yakın, diğeri çok daha derinden, birbirlerine zıt yönde akıp gider. Şehri ikiye ayıran bu boğaz, ona en çok yakışan mecazın ta kendisidir. Zira bu şehrin sakinleri de birbirlerini farklı yönlere iter ve çeker. Tutarsız bir gayret gibi gözükse de hayatta kalmalarını sağlayan bu çekişmedir. Türkiye’nin en büyük İngilizce edebiyat dergisi Bosphorus Re..»»
Joanne Owen

Çınar Yayınları

Tantananın bir an olsun dinmedigi, inanılmaz eglenceli bir hikâye. Uluslararası üne sahip çizer Tony Ross’un olaganüstü çizimleriyle... Tomris Tantana durmadan dert çıkarıp duruyor! Elinde deg?il, karmakarıs?ık is?ler hep onu buluyor. Cadılar Bayramı partisi için sabırsızlanan Tomris, okula giderken gerçek bir cadıyla kars?ılas?ıyor, bu da yetmezmis? gibi kasabada bas?ıbos? bir hortlak dolas..»»
Mehmet Murat Payam

Hiperlink Yayınları

One factor that is inseparable from tourism is tourists’ safety and security, which is a critical element determining the competitiveness of a country’s Travel and Tourism industry. For that reason, the safety and security of the tourists should be a matter of national security for countries all over the world. Thus, it is believed that Tourist Police are important in helping, protecting and ensur..»»
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