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Kitap Kişi

Baba Kitabı - Baba Kitapları

Baba konu başlığında toplam 1460 kitap bulunuyor.
Aşağıdaki Baba kitaplar "alfabetik" sıraya göre listelenmektedir.
Numan Kartal

Yaz Yayınları

Vaktin birinde, Uludağ'ın uzantısında, Kalburt Deresinin ovaya vardığı yerde bir köy varmış. Ulu çınarları, şırıl şırıl suları, ağaçlarında cıvıldaşan kuşlarıyla şirin bir köymüş bu köy. Bu köyde Ali Baba diye biri yaşarmış. (Kitabın İçinden) »»

Teen Yayıncılık

Ali Baba And Forty Thieves A Tale From Arabian Nights Teen Yayıncılık»»

Dorlion Yayınevi

Once upon a time, a man called Ali Baba lived inthe city of Baghdad. He was a poor but nice man, alwaysready to help anyone in need. “That is why we will always be poor,” said his wife. “We have so little for ourselves but you give away money and our things to friends and strangers. One daywe will be beggars ourselves. ”Evvel zaman içinde, Ali Baba adında bir adam Bağdat’ta yaşardı. Fakir olmas..»»
Shirley Ann Murguly

Redhouse Kidz Yayınları

Bu dizideki kitaplar, İngilizce öğrenmeye başlamış olan kişiler için kısa okuma kitapları olarak tasarlanmıştır. Her kitap, sizi kendilerine hayran bırakacak çizimler eşliğinde farklı bir dünya masalını anlatıyor. İngilizce öğrenmeye yeni başlayanlara kelime dağarcıklarını genişletmek için harika bir fırsat sunuyor. Öğrenirken eğlenceden feragat etmek istemeyenler için!... ..»»

Kaknüs Yayınları

“Ali Baba is a very lucky young man, but he wouldn’t be so fortunate if the servant girl Morgiana wasn’t so intelligent.”? -Zarah, 12- The horsemen stopped close to where Ali Baba was hiding. He could scarcely breathe. As they dismounted he counted them – there were forty in all, and they were carrying bags of gold, silver and precious stones. When Ali Baba goes into..»»

Kapadokya Kitabevi

Annie Hughes

Pearson Hikaye Kitapları

Ali Baba overhears the secret password to the cave where the thieves hide their treasure. He takes some gold coins from the cave but the thieves want them back.»»
Arabian Nights

Dorlion Yayınevi

“Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves” is a story from the world-wide known Arabian Nights.  One day, Ali Baba, who is a good, honest and wise man, finds a magical cave in the woods. This exploration changes his life completely and leads him into a dangerous game with the cruel ‘Forty Thieves’. Dorlion Readers (Stage 1) Dorlion Readers is a series of retold and simplified stories which are classif..»»
Wilhelm Grimm,Jacob Grimm

Dorlion Yayınevi

One day, Ali Baba was in the forest. When he had just-cut wood enough to load his asses. he saw a great cloud of dust. It was approaching him at a distance. The troop, to the number of fourty, weil mounted and armed. It came to the foot of the rock on which the tree stood. and there dismounted. Then each took off his saddle bag. which from its weight seemed to Ali Baba to be full of gold and si..»»
Arabian Nights

Sis Yayıncılık

"Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" is a story from the world-wide known Arabian Nights. One day, Ali Baba, who is a good, honest and wise man, finds a magical cave in the woods. This exploration changes his life completely and leads him into a dangerous game with the cruel 'Forty Thieves'. Sis Readers (Stage 1) Sis Readers is a series of retold and sim..»»
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