





Bi Cümle




Bizlerde öðrenciydik,hem de nasýl öðrenci,
Bugünkü gençler baksalar,derdi bize dilenci.
Jöle yoktu saçlarda,sürmezdi kýzlar oje,
Blucin giymek yasak,ayakda iskarpinle.

Var erkekte kravat,kýzlarda fyonk vardý,
Hocamýz kapýdaydý,týrnak yaka yoklardý.
Olurduk hergün sýra,Müdür çekerdi fýrça,
Ýstiklal marþý okur,girerdik sýnýflara.

Konuþmaz asla kimse,ayakta bekleþirdik,
Bayramda törenlerde,yerle gök inletirdik.
Geçmezdik dalgamýzý,kýzlara yan bakmazdýk,
Ortalýk yerde birden,bacýmýza sarkmazdýk.

Formamýzý giyerdik,çýkardý forma evde,
Gömlek giyerdik bizler,pantolon üzerine.
Yasaktý kolye küpe,ancak hafta sonunda,
Belik yapardý kýzlar,sabah erken saçlara.

Yoktu elde telefon,internet ne gezerdi,
Mektupla bir kaðýtla,kýza haber giderdi.
Utanýrdýk derslerde,hoca üreme derken,
Delirirdik derslerde,aruz ezber ederken.

Albay gelirdi derse,tekmil verirdi baþkan,
Altýmýza yapardýk,hoca sözlü yaparken.
Kaplardýk kitaplarý,resimli kaðýtlarla,
Etiket yapýþtýrýp,saklardýk yýl boyunca.

Sýnýflar kalabalýk,ses çýkmazdý kimseden,
Boþ derslerde çalýþýr,çýt çýkmazdý bizlerden.
Ödev verirdi hocam,yapardýk biz mutlaka,
Kütüphanede bizler,dalardýk kitaplara.

Yazý elle yazýlýr,dolmakalemler elde,
Akþam erken yatardýk,giderdik otobüsle.
Kapýda aranýrdýk,çantalar elimizde,
Sakýz çiðnemek yasak,yemek içmek izinle.

Kýzarsak biz birine,hocamýza söylerdik,
Kavga edersek eðer,müdürden sopa yerdik,
Mesafe vardý kýzla,yapmazdýk sulu þaka,
Küfür argo yasaktý,yapamazdýk korkuyla.

Yerli Malý Haftasý,dolardý o günde masa,
Paylaþýrdýk kardeþçe,elma armut çocukca.
Okurduk bolca kitap,deðiþirdik bazende,
Kitap alýrdýk hergün,verdikleri kimlikle.

Bir zamanlar bizde,öðrenciydik okulda,
Tertipli saygýlýydýk,hocamýzdan korkuyla,
Kayýp kuþak deðildik,bugünkü gençler gibi,
Güzeldi hayatýmýz,severdik birbirimizi.




We were also students, and how students,
If today’s young people looked, he would say beggar to us.
There was no gel on the hair, the girls wouldn’t wear nail polish,
It is forbidden to wear jeans, shoes on your feet.

There is a tie for the boys, bows for the girls,
Our teacher was at the door, there were no nail collars.
We used to be a line everyday, the Director would pull the brush,
We used to sing the national anthem and enter classes.

Nobody speaks, we used to stand still
We used to moan the earth and sky in the feast ceremonies.
We would not pass our wave, we would not look sideways at girls,
We wouldn’t hang around suddenly.

We used to wear our jerseys, took off the jersey at home,
We used to wear shirts over trousers.
Necklace earrings were banned, but at the weekend,
Girls used to do it, hair early in the morning.

There was no phone in hand, neither did the internet travel,
The girl would be informed by a letter with a paper.
We would be ashamed in the lessons, when the teacher said breeding,
We would go crazy in lessons, while memorizing prosody.

If the colonel said he would come, the president would give all the answers,
We used to do it under us, while the teacher was speaking.
We would cover books with picture papers,
We used to stick labels and keep them all year round.

Classes were crowded, nobody would say anything,
He worked on empty lessons, and he would not be confused with us.
He would give homework, we would definitely do it,
In the library, we would dive into the books.

The writing is written by hand, the fountain pens are on hand,
We used to go to bed early in the evening, take the bus.
We were searched at the door, we got bags,
Chewing gum is forbidden, eating is allowed.

If we got angry we would tell someone, our teacher,
If we fought, we would eat a stick from the manager,
There was distance with the girl, we wouldn’t play juicy jokes,
Swearing slang was forbidden, we couldn’t do it with fear.

Domestic Goods Week, the table was full that day,
We used to share brotherly, apple pear childish.
We read a lot of books, sometimes we changed,
We used to buy books every day, with the identity they gave.

Once upon a time we were students at school
We were respectful regularly, with fear of our teacher,
We were not a lost generation, like young people today,
Our life was beautiful, we loved each other.

06.04.2015 // KIRIKKALE

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