





Bi Cümle



Deprem ilahi ikaz bilin,
Baþka bir düþünceyi silin,
Ondan habersiz bir þey olmaz,
Kýtalar birbirine vurmaz.

Fay hatlarý elbet olacak,
Enerji orda birikecek,
Bir gün Allah sallan diyecek,
Kýtalar birden sarsýlacak.

Son deprem oldu doðumuzda,
Terörle gerilen bir anda,
Kardeþliðe vurgu var burda,
Deprem elbet ikaz bizlere.

Kalbinin gel dinle sesini,
Tesis edelim kardeþliði,
Bozalým terörist planý,
Kucaklaþsýn Kürtle-Türk Halký.

Hepimiz kardeþiz ezelde,
Babamýz Ademdi Cennette,
Bu dünyada kavgamýz niye,
Deprem elbet ikaz bizlere.

Allah kardeþ olun diyorsa,
Resul fitne uyuyor derse,
Bundan menfaat,çýkar kime,
Artýk kucaklaþsýn halkýmýz.

Vanla Ýzmirin var mý farký,
Kürt ile Türk karýþmýþ halký,
Doðu batý ayrýlmaz çatý,
Deprem elbet ikaz bizlere.

Uyan düþman gelip vurmadan,
Toplar belimizi kýrmadan,
Vatan topraðý çiðnenmeden,
Deprem elbet ikaz bizlere.

Kardeþlik birleþtiren tutkal,
Bundan gayrýsý hayal,muhal,
Bin yýldýr bir yaþatan tutkal,
Deprem elbet ikaz bizlere.

Herkes Vana yardýma koþsun,
Allah Rasülü razý olsun,
Düþmanlar çatlasýn kahrolsun,
Deprem elbet ikaz bizlere.

Her þeyin bittiði son yerde,
Terörist saldýrdýðý anda,
Herkes lanetle kýzdýðýnda,
Deprem elbet ikaz bizlere.


Hidayet Doðan



Know the earthquake divine warning,
Delete another thought,
Nothing happens without him knowing,
Continents do not hit each other.

There will certainly be fault lines,
The energy will accumulate there,
One day God will say shake,
Continents will be shaken suddenly.

The last earthquake happened at our birth,
In a moment of terror,
There is an emphasis on brotherhood,
Earthquake sure warn us.

Come and listen to your heart,
Let’s establish brotherhood,
Let’s spoil the terrorist plan,
Let it embrace the Kurdish-Turkish people.

We are all brothers in time,
Our father was Adam in heaven,
Why are we fighting in this world,
Earthquake sure warn us.

If God says to be brothers,
If the apostle said he was sleeping,
Benefit from this, from whom,
Let our people embrace now.

Is there any difference between Van and Izmir?
Kurdish and Turkish people mixed,
East west integral roof,
Earthquake sure warn us.

Wake up before the enemy comes and hits,
Before the balls break our waist,
Without trampling on the homeland,
Earthquake sure warn us.

The glue that unites brotherhood,
Other than that, imagination, muhal,
The glue that has kept you alive for a thousand years,
Earthquake sure warn us.

Everybody, Valve, run to help,
May the Messenger of Allah be pleased with you,
Enemies burst, burst
Earthquake sure warn us.

In the last place where everything ends
As soon as the terrorist attacks,
When everybody’s mad with a curse
Earthquake sure warn us.

02.11.2011 // Kirikkale

Hidayet Dogan
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