





Bi Cümle




Yaklaþýnca artýk ölüm zamaný,
Cayýr cayýr yanar sanki her yaný,
Görmez olur etrafýný gözleri,
Duyulsa da anlaþýlmaz sözleri.

Vucudunda fýrtýnalar savrulur,
Dudaklarýn susuzluktan kavrulur,
Bir yudum su isteyemez olursun,
Bunalýrsýn çabuk çabuk solursun.

Ah çekersin kanatýrsýn baðrýný,
Tanýmazsýn baþýndaki karýný,
Bazý kere boðazýndan kan yürür,
Aðzýn kokar dudaklarýn köpürür.

Yaran artar kurtlar düþer yaraya,
Tanýmaz bakar gelen doktorlara,
Yatýrýrlar naylon havalý yataða,
Döndürüp durur bir saða bir sola.

Bir an evvel ölmeye can atarsýn,
Fakat gene saatlerce yatarsýn,
Gelir baþý ak sarýklý bir Hoca,
Dua eder durmadan baþ ucunda.

Azrail görünür bir anda sana,
Ruhu çeker de kimse duymaz asla,
Baðlarlar çeneyle ayaðý bir iple,
Ýndiriler yavaþca serin bir yere.

Konu komþu baþ ucuna toplaþýr,
Cümlesi de gözlerinde yaþ taþýr,
Kimi der ki çok iyi bir insandý,
Kimi der ki dað gibi bir adamdý.

Artýk sana kimse gütmez düþmanlýk,
Çünki senden alýnmýþtýr insanlýk,
Düþmanlarýn bile senle barýþýr,
Cenazende bulunmaya yarýþýr.

Aþaðýda iki ocak kurulur,
Üstlerine birer kazan vurulur,
Su getirir çeþmeden bir kaç kiþi,
Meþe ateþiyle parlatýrlar ateþi.

Kapatýrlar peþtemalle önünü,
Kimse kazmaz artýk senin kuyunu,
Vucudunu yýkamaya baþlarlar,
Her yanýný haþlamaya baþlarlar.

Bir güzelce sabunlayýp yýkarlar,
En sonunda havluyla kurularlar.
Bu bitince getirirler bir kefen,
Hiç itiraz edemezsin buna sen.

Bu kefenle her yanýný kaparlar,
Bunu sana en son gömlek yaparlar.
Vucudunu bir tabuta týkarlar,
Tabutunu omuzlayýp çýkarlar.

Getirirler bir musalla taþýna,
Çocuklarýn gark olur göz yaþýna.
Dizilerek herkes geçer karþýna,
Tekbir alýp baþlarlar namazýna.

Ýndiriler kabre o daracýk yere,
Çýkmak istesen çýkamazsýn nafile,
Gelir münker nekir gökten heybetle,
Sýkmaya baþlar yapar iþkence.

Nimetlerle besler idim kanýmý,
Þerbetlerle boyar idim kanýmý,
Þimdi ise yatýyorum toprakta,
Durmak artýk kabil deðil ayakta.

En nihayet çürüyecek bedenim,
Böceklere yem olacak bedenim.
Ruhum ölmez mezarda ben esirim,
Rabbim sorar ise ona ne derim.

Geçer günler hemen baþlar hesabýn,
Kabre ateþ dolar yoksa namazýn,
Hergün böyle geçer baþlar feryadýn,
Kimse duymaz seni artar azabýn.

Ya cennet ya cehennem olur kabri,
Ya nur dolar ya ateþtir içeri,
Kurtla böcek kemirirler her yeri,
Yýlan çýyan akrep sokar bedeni.

Allah Resul melek orda dostlarýn,
Amellerin olur salih yoldaþýn,
Nurlar dolar kabre cennet yaþarsýn,
Kopsa kýyamet diye bekler coþarsýn.




When it approaches, it’s time for death
It’s as if it burns everywhere,
His eyes will not see around him,
His words are incomprehensible even if they are heard.

Storms blow in your body,
Your lips are scorched with thirst,
You wouldn’t be able to ask for a sip of water
You get overwhelmed, you breathe quickly.

Oh you pull your bosom,
You don’t know your wife,
Some times blood walks in your throat,
Your mouth smells, your lips foam.

The wound increases, the wolves fall into the wound,
Doesn’t recognize the doctors who come,
They lay it on the nylon air mattress,
It turns to the right and left.

You long to die as soon as possible,
But again you lie for hours,
A Hodja with a white turban comes,
He prays always at his head.

Grim reaper appears to you in a moment,
It draws the soul and nobody hears it,
They tie the chin and foot with a rope,
Downloads slowly somewhere cool.

The subject clumps to the neighbor’s bedside,
His sentence also carries tears in his eyes,
Some say he was a very good person,
Some say he was a man like a mountain.

Nobody will take you anymore, enmity
Because humanity was taken from you,
Even your enemies will make peace with you
He competes to be at your funeral.

Two stoves are set up below,
A cauldron is hit on them,
A few people bring water from the fountain,
They polish the fire with oak fire.

They cover their way with a loincloth,
Nobody digs your well anymore,
They start washing your body,
They start boiling all over.

They soap and wash well,
Finally, they dry with a towel.
When this is done they bring a shroud,
You can never object to that.

Cover all around with this shroud,
They make this for you the ultimate shirt.
They stuff your body in a coffin,
They shouldered his coffin.

They bring a mourning stone,
Your children will cry.
Everyone passes in front of you,
They take Takbir and start their prayers.

Download the grave in that narrow place,
If you want to get out, you cannot leave, in vain,
Münker comes from heaven with majesty,
He starts to squeeze and torture.

I was feeding my blood with blessings,
I used to paint my blood with sherbets,
Now I’m lying on the ground
Standing is no longer capable, but standing.

Finally my body will decay,
My body will be prey to insects.
My soul does not die, I am captive in the grave,
If my Lord asks what would I say to him?

Passing days start immediately,
If there is no fire in the grave, your prayer
Everyday passes like this, your cry begins,
Nobody hears you, your torment increases.

The grave becomes either heaven or hell,
Either light is filled or fire is inside,
Worms and insects gnaw everywhere,
The snake centipede stings the body.

Allah’s Messenger, angel there, your friends,
You will have deeds, your righteous comrade,
You will live in heaven and grave,
You wait for doomsday.

27.05.2017 // KIRIKKALE

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