





Bi Cümle




Anam derdi ki yavrum;her kul varacak Hakka,
Dönüþ elbet O’nadýr,aman güzelce yaþa.
Hani Sultan Süleyman,hani Mimar Sinanlar?
Dünya bir hana benzer,gelen cümle konaklar.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;aman gýybetten sakýn,
Þu dilini tutarsan,olursun Hakka yakýn,
Siler süpürür gýybet,alýr dostlar hakkýný,
Sýrtlanýrsýn mahþerde,boyun kadar günahý.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;kabirde mumlar yakma,
Oku ayet Kuraný,geçmiþlere sen yolla,
Hristiyan adeti,kabre çaput baðlamak,
Yahudi adetidir,aðlayýp alkýþlamak.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;insanlar dindar kindar,
Þeytandýr kindar olan,Rabbe yakýndýr dindar,
Eyleme dini alet,isteme dünya malý,
Okuyup ayet Kur’an,güzelce yaþamalý.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;olan herþey Hak’dandýr,
Ýmtihan evlatla mal,vermez ise O’ndandýr.
Deme kötü kaderim,Hakka bühtan eyleme,
Bu söz tehlikelidir,sevabý yele verme.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;herkes piþman olacak,
Gülecek kimi yüzler,kimi de aðlayacak,
Kabirde asýl durak,herþeyden sorulacak,
Ýncedir sýrat kýldan,düþenler çok yanacak.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;çaðdaþlýk büyük yalan,
En çaðdaþý bu asýrda,namaz kýlan müslüman!
Karanlýk hep kafeler,meyhane dolmuþ þeytan,
Ýsyan ediyor Hakka,bu mu aydýn müslüman!

Anam derdi ki yavrum;dünya büyük bilmece,
Görmedim hiç çözeni,yatýyorlar kabirde,
Sanki hiç yaþamamýþ,bunca insan dünyada,
Sýðmayanlar dünyaya,yatar koyun koyuna.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;dinimiz en güzeli,
Bunu bilip güzelce,yaþamayý bilmeli,
Mani deðildir Ýslam,bilime ve tekniðe,
Müslümanlar bugünde,sahip olmalý fenne.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;aldanmayýn dünyaya,
Yalancý dünya elbet,varacaðýz biz Hakka,
Kalýr burda servetler,kimse bir þey götürmez,
Aþýk olanlar Rabbe,bu dünyada gam çekmez.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;hayvanatý hor görme,
Onlar emanet Haktan,fazla yükü yükleme,
Davacýdýr mahþerde,alacak hakký senden,
Sakýn zulmetme ona,hani ebenle deden?

Anam derdi ki yavrum;yakýnlýk var secdede,
Ýnsan Rabbiyle olur,þeytana iner perde,
Secde Hakka yakýnlýk,uzat orda tesbihi,
Rabbine tazim edip,dinlendir bedenini.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;zehirlidir bugünde,
Sunuyor Haktan korkmaz,zehri altýn tepside,
Ýyi seç kitaplarý,ehl-i sünnetten þaþma,
Kýlýp bunca namazý,savurup yele atma.

Anam derdi ki yavrum;bölük pörçük müslüman,
Uyandý çoktan fitne,bir lahza da sen uyan,
Sen ateþe taþýma,olup sahip nesline,
Ümitsizlik þeytandan,yeis sokma kalbine.




My mother used to say that my child; every servant will come to Hakka,
His return is of course, oh live well.
You know Sultan Süleyman, you know Architect Sinanlar?
The world is like an inn, the incoming sentence hosts.

My mother used to say, baby; beware of backbiting,
If you hold that tongue, you will be close to the truth,
Backbiting sweeps away, friends take their rights,
You get rid of the sins as much as the neck.

My mother used to say, my child; do not light candles in the grave,
Read verse Quran, you send it to the past,
Christian custom, to tie a rag to the grave,
It is Jewish custom to cry and applaud.

My mother used to say, baby; people are devout spiteful,
The devil is the spiteful, close to the Lord devout,
Religious tool for action, wanting world property,
The Qur’an by reading it should live well.

My mother used to say, my baby; everything that happens is from the Right,
The test is property with the son, if not, it is from him.
Don’t say my bad fate, Hakka buhtan to action,
This word is dangerous, do not give reward to mane.

My mother used to say, baby; everyone will regret it,
Some faces will laugh, some will cry,
The main stop in the grave will be asked about everything,
It is thin from hair, those who fall will burn a lot.

My mother used to say, baby; modernity is a big lie,
The most contemporary Muslim in this century, praying!
Darkness is always cafes, taverns are full of devil,
Hakka is rebelling, is that an enlightened Muslim!

My mother used to say, baby; the world is a big riddle,
I have not seen any solvents, they are lying in the grave
As if they never lived, so many people in the world
Those who do not fit into the world lie down in sheep.

My mother used to say, my child, our religion is the most beautiful,
Know this and know how to live well,
Islam is not a mania to science and technique,
Muslims must have science today.

My mother used to say, my baby; don’t be fooled by the world,
The lying world of course, we will arrive Hakka,
Fortune stays here, nobody takes anything
Those in love do not grieve the Lord in this world.

My mother used to say, my child, don’t despise the animal,
They are entrusted Haktan, do not overload,
He is a plaintiff, the right to receive from you,
Do not persecute him, you know with your midwife?

My mother used to say, my child; there is closeness in prostration,
Man is with his Lord, the veil goes down to the devil,
Prostration closeness to Hakka, stretch the rosary there,
Respect your Lord and rest your body.

My mother used to say that my baby is poisonous today,
He presents, He is not afraid of the truth, his poison is on the golden plate,
Choose books well, do not be afraid of Ahl as-Sunnah,
Do not perform so many prayers and throw away your mane.

My mother used to say, my child, a scattered Muslim,
You have already woken up, mischief, and you follow a moment,
Do not carry to fire
Despair from the devil, do not hurt your heart.

16.02.2017 // KIRIKKALE
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