





Bi Cümle



Köylü olmasaydý buðday bitmezdi,
Meyveye sebzeye para yetmezdi,
Bayramda kurbaný kimse kesmezdi,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.

Üretir buðdayý bir yýl boyunca,
Nohutla arpasý yulaf sýrada,
Çalýþýr çabalar para kalmazda,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.

Çabalar üretir verir ofise,
Verir vergisini yüce Devlete,
Yollar yavrusunu hemen askere,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.

Derileri çatlar yanar elleri,
Kabuk baðlar ayak çatlar derisi.
Kararýr yüzleri gider gençliði,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.

Çýkamaz köyünden þehre gelemez,
Gelirse de kimse onu beðenmez,
Siyasetçiler onun halini bilmez,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.

Seçimden seçime gelirler köye,
Ýþleri bitince koyar sepete,
Gitseler onu almaz meclise,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.

Olunca çocuðu okul bulamaz,
Þehirli çocuða karþý duramaz,
Onlar aya çýkar yakýn olamaz,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.

Hüdayi þehirden göç var köylere,
Köylünün kýzlarý hasret þehire,
Benzer köylerimiz inan cennete,
Köylüler milletin beyefendisi.




If it weren’t for the peasant, the wheat wouldn’t grow,
There was not enough money for fruit and vegetables,
Nobody would cut the sacrifice on the feast,
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

Produces wheat for a year,
Chickpeas and barley oats are next,
They work, efforts, there is no money left,
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

It produces efforts and gives to the office,
Give tax to the supreme State,
Roads baby immediately to the army,
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

Their skin cracks and their hands burn,
Scab ties the skin of the feet cracks.
Their youth will turn black and their youth will go away
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

He cannot come to the city from his village,
Even if he comes, nobody likes him,
Politicians don’t know his condition,
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

They come to the village from election to election,
When they’re done, he puts them in the basket,
If they go to the assembly it will not take him,
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

When it happens, the child cannot find a school,
Can’t stand against the city boy,
They climb to the moon and cannot be close,
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

There is immigration from the Hüdayi city to the villages,
The girls of the peasant longed for the city,
Our similar villages believe in paradise,
The peasants are the gentlemen of the nation.

17.05.2016 // KIRIKKALE

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